Maybe it’s because all I have been doing since the beginning of 2022 is editing news, but this week made me remember why I love journalism and reporting. I never realized how much I could pour my heart into something until now. And it shows since the final product is something I’m proud of — which I don’t say often. I am especially proud of the audio piece. It’s something I wasn’t comfortable with at the beginning, but as I kept going and going (with the help of my mentor), I really got into the groove of it and started to love working with Audition.
I couldn’t have done this without all the support of Next Gen Radio. To my digital and photo editors, Stephanie Federico and Kevin Beaty, thank you for watching my back and making sure everything I was making was the best. To Patricia Lim, who helped me with my standup, I am sorry if your camera got wet from the rain, but I appreciate your patience and kindness in the chaotic process; it’s a memory I won’t ever forget. To Doug Mitchell and Gabriela Saldivia, thank you for giving me this opportunity and for making my time a comfortable experience despite such an intensive and overwhelming week. And lastly, to my mentor, Laura Rice, thank you so much for being with me every step of the way, watching my back and guiding me through it all. I honestly would not have made it this far in the project without you, and I sincerely give my whole gratitude to you. Through the ups and downs, I am happy I got to work with you. So thank you, so so so much.
As I type all this with tears in my eyes, I look back and fondly remember my time, but continue to look forward, with hopes of a future where I can continue working in journalism like this. Thank you to Next Gen Radio, I had one hell of a time.