There is a quote that sums up why I decided to pursue this weeklong journalism experience: “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” Audio journalism was the last medium I wanted in my tool box. Throughout the week I fell in love with that specific way of storytelling. 

NPR Next Generation Radio was an amazing opportunity. I got to meet people who have a vast amount of knowledge in this field. I found it so interesting that their set of skills was each so unique but worked together perfectly. I was able to learn many different little things from each one of them, tying it all back to my favorite quote of jack-of-all-trades. My goal has always been to learn everything I can, so I can prepare myself for anything this career throws at me. I had not worked with audio at all before this project and all I can say is I’m glad for the opportunity. I got to learn the process of an audio piece, and how to use Audition. I was afraid of it at first, but with the help of Selena that fear dissipated and it became pure interest. I was in shock when Selena was mixing my audio file, it was like seeing magic happen. I got to learn a new skill that I know will help me greatly in the future. 

I felt like I did it all throughout the week, I was an editor, anchor, writer, photographer and producer. I learned a little bit of everything which I loved. It was an intense week. I won’t lie and say that it was easy. At times I felt exhausted and really on edge due to the very long process but I think it was all worth it. When I finally saw all my work together, I felt immense pride. I am also so grateful to have met new people who are now great connections to have in this amazing field.

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